Apr 17, 2019 · vagrant box add ubuntu/trusty64. This downloads the box and stores it locally. 2. Next, you need to configure the Vagrantfile for the virtual box it will serve. Open the Vagrantfile with the command: sudo vi vagrantfile. 3. Once the Vagrantfile is open, change the config.vm.box string from “base” to “ubuntu/trusty64”. config.vm.box

Ubuntu 11.10 comes with a backup application, Deja Dup, installed by default. This tool allows you to backup your Ubuntu system incrementally and automatically. Users can use the same deja dup interface to restore previous backups. In this tutorial and video I'll walk through the process of a simple first backup and restoration on Ubuntu 11.10. How To Set Up Ubuntu 20.04 For Gaming Tutorial Hi everyone. With the latest release of Ubuntu and the ever growing popularity of Linux gaming in general, I thought it would be a good idea to produce a quick video that covers the steps you need do in order to set up the latest version of Ubuntu for gaming. May 23, 2019 · How to Write a Shell Script Using Bash Shell in Ubuntu. Have you ever wanted to automate operations in your operating system? Have you ever wanted to write a program that could create a file and copy that file to a specific directory? Oct 19, 2017 · Ubuntu is beautiful, sleek, and stylish: learn more about the GNOME desktop environment; It’s stable and fast: usually loads in less than a minute on modern computers. It has no major viruses! Ubuntu is immune to computer-crashing Windows viruses. Say goodbye to Blue Screens of Death! MongoDB Version¶. This tutorial installs MongoDB 4.2 Community Edition. To install a different version of MongoDB Community, use the version drop-down menu in the upper-left corner of this page to select the documentation for that version.

Apr 17, 2019 · vagrant box add ubuntu/trusty64. This downloads the box and stores it locally. 2. Next, you need to configure the Vagrantfile for the virtual box it will serve. Open the Vagrantfile with the command: sudo vi vagrantfile. 3. Once the Vagrantfile is open, change the config.vm.box string from “base” to “ubuntu/trusty64”. config.vm.box

In this tutorial, you will learn different utilities of LVM, such as how to create or remove a new volume, how to find out the information about current volumes, how to resize existing volumes of the disk on Ubuntu and creating snapshot of a running system. Creating, Resizing and Removing LVM Components Dec 31, 2017 · If you are new to Linux then you probably already noticed the disparity among Linux users when it comes to choosing what desktop to use. You will hear from KDE users that KDE is the best and you should use that, likewise GNOME users will swear that gnome is the real deal. then there are the traditionalists that prefer desktop… This tutorial covers the installation of Gazebo packages using the the osrfoundation.org repository, designed for those who want to follow the faster development path but still a stable one. Gazebo is also released as an Ubuntu official package: ( check which version is available for every distribution.

Ubuntu is an open source software operating system that runs from the desktop, to the cloud, to all your internet connected things. Tutorials Jump to main content

Nov 13, 2019 · Finally, the third part of our LAMP tutorial series: how to install PHP on Ubuntu. In this tutorial, we’ll show you how to install various versions of PHP, including PHP 7.2, PHP 7.3, and the latest PHP 7.4. This tutorial should work for any Ubuntu release and other Ubuntu-based releases. Ubuntu 14.04, Ubuntu 16.04, Ubuntu 18.04, even Ubuntu The Gazebo robot simulation. Install Gazebo using Ubuntu packages Default installation: one-liner. Install Take a look at this step by step tutorial that demonstrates how to set up Docker with Ansible and Ubuntu. Install and Setup Docker Using Ansible on Ubuntu 18.04 (Part 2) - DZone Cloud Cloud Zone